Islamic Jewelry
Where every piece is inspired by a hadith or an ayah in the Quran
My dream
I created this brand to offer a tangible connection to our deen. Every piece is inspired by a powerful hadith or touching ayah in the Quran, all which have personally impacted me in some way. My dream is to help you carry your belief and certainty in Allah's plan with you in your everyday life. No matter where you are or how you're feeling, there is a concept in Islam that will comfort you and I hope to create pieces that remind you of that.

'[The believers] will enter [Jannah], where they will be adorned with bracelets of gold and pearls..'
35:33, engraved in Arabic on the tag

Yunus AS, disheartened by his elitist and idol-worshipping people, tries to leave them behind but faces trials at sea. Imprisoned by the darkness of the night, the darkness of the ocean and the darkness of the belly of the whale, he prays and recites the dua of 21:87, leading to his eventual rescue and recovery. Returning to his people, he finds them transformed into believers.
The ayah number is engraved on the back of the whale pendant in Arabic.